National Coaching Strategy

Netball Australia has released a new national direction for coaching with the release of the Coaching Blueprint, which outlines the sport's plan to achieving ongoing success on and off the court. The blueprint aims to unite the national coaching community from grassroots to high performance by providing a world leading development system to support netball participation at all levels, and ensure that the coaching community is empowered and well supported. The Coaching Blueprint includes a Coaches Approach document which outlines the sport's philosophical approach to coaching - one that promotes player learning and ownership of that learning, through creating player awareness, responsibility and self belief.
Click here for the Coaching Blueprint
Click here for the Coach Approach
Coaching Our Way
In conjunction with the national coaching strategy, Netball Australia has released a free e-learning resource called Coaching Our Way. It includes four modules of interactive learning designed to get coaches thinking about how to apply the principles of player centered coaching with their unique playing group. A coach journal tool allows coaches to make notes of their learning and strategies for implementation. A certificate of recognition will be issued upon completion of all four modules. Coaches will be required to register and log into MyNetball to access the free coaching resource.
Click here for instructions to access and register for Coaching Our Way
Click here to access MyNetball
Coaching Manual

Summary of key coaching points. Click here to download.
Guide to Stretching. Click here to download.
Net Set Go - click on the following coaching resource for skill based activities: Run, Jump, Catch, Balance, Games
Down to Earth - a practical guide to safe and effective landing in netball. Click here to download.
New to Coaching - click to download Checklist for Beginner Coaches, Demonstrating a skill, Motivating Players.
Coaching Manual 4
Specialist Skills - The Complete Skills
Aimed at players from 12 years and up, this coaching manual can help provide exciting results for your individual players and team as a whole. This book is designed to provide all levels of coaches easy to follow activities necessary to develop 'specialist skills' within their team. The complete series includes all three sections: Circle Defence, Centre Court and Goaling. Click here to visit the Netskills website.
INF Coaching Manual
This coaching resource has been developed by the International Federation of Netball Associations (IFNA) as an international competency framework for coaching which will help set global standards for coaching. Click here to download.
Other coaching manuals can be purchased from the Netball Australia online shop by clicking here.
Training Session Websites
Free netball drills library, netball coaching drills, videos and training plans and tools to help you become a better coach. Note: there is a subscription fee for some content. www.sportplan.net/drills/Netball/
Intosport is a great resource to update and renew your coaching knowledge and provide fresh ideas and inspiration for training sessions. The website provides high quality coaching video guides ranging from skills & drills to tatics & physical conditioning.
Note: this site is completely free. http://www.intosport.com/academies/netball-academy/8/default.aspx
Netball Nation
An ANZ netball website that provides coaching tips in video format. Learn about training, on-court tactics, fitness & recovery and more from Netball Nation Ambassadors. Note: this site is completely free.
Energy Netball
The website caters to beginner to elite coaches. It gives coaches the ability to access training sessions and also choose from a number of strategies. It will also provide tools such as statistic sheets, circuts, shooting programs, individual circuits, and many more resources. Note: there is a subscription fee.
Holding Court
A netball specific site designed purely for coaches and produced by Catherine Cox. Note: there is a subscription fee.